
BECA es una organización sin ánimo de lucro ( 501-C3) creada con el fin de ayudar a jóvenes Hispanas que crecen en este país, a continuar con su educación para que obtengan un cambio en sus vidas, triunfen y se forjen un mejor futuro, fomentando también en ellas el conocimiento de sus costumbres, tradiciones y raíces culturales. Durante muchos años la organización ha entregado 96 becas a nivel universitario en planteles como: University of Houston, University of St. Thomas, Baptist University, Sam Houston State University, UTSA The University of Texas at San Antonio, TWU Texas Women University, University of Texas at Austin, Houston Community College, San Jacinto College, Lone Star College, US Department of Education, Kaplan Test Prep and Admission, CY Fair College. entre otros.

Bajo el auspicio de esta organización, se desarrolla cada año el concurso “Señorita Independencia de Colombia “ otorgando las becas con las que muchas de estas jóvenes son ya grandes profesionales y ejecutivas que ocupan destacados cargos a nivel nacional.

El aporte cultural de la organización también ha creado la obra “ Estampa Navideña “ en la que participan aproximadamente 35 personas entre jóvenes y niños, presentando una obra en diferentes lugares de la ciudad para mostrar y enseñar la tradicional historia de la Navidad.

BECA seguirá trabajando arduamente para mantener nuestro orgullo hispano en las jóvenes y futuras generaciones de este país.

Gladys Salgado
Non Profit Organization



BECA is a non profit organization created to help Hispanic girls that grow up in this country make a positive change in their lives by continuing their education.  BECA encourages the girls to learn about the traditions and customs of their own culture.

Throughout the years, BECA has given a total of 96 scholarships to Universities such as University of Houston, University of St. Tomas, Houston Baptist University, Sam Houston State, University of Texas San Antonio, Texas Woman’s University, University of Texas Austin, Houston Community College, San Jacinto College, Lone Star College, the U.S. Department of Education, Kaplan Test Prep and Admission, and Cy Fair College among others.

With the support of this organization, the contest “Señorita Independencia de Colombia” has carried out every year, awarding the scholarships which have aided many girls to become professionals in distinct fields across the country.
The cultural contribution from the organization has also created “Estampa Navideña” in which approximately 35 people participate (children and young adults), presenting a traditional Christmas story in different parts of the city. 
BECA will continue to work hard to maintain pride in the Hispanic culture in young girls and the future generation of this country.

Gladys Salgado
Non Profit Organization


T: 832.893.7686
T: 281.922.7487